Thursday, July 30, 2015


eeee its been a long time. (not that many of you read this anyways)
but hey, this is for me and my processing.

of course i am back to writing because i just got back from YL camp.
post camp processing is a must.
this year is no different.
no young life trip seems to be complete without some sort of chaos.
this time, it was our bus.
imagine, 47 students and leaders in a bus, driving to camp.
we are excited. us leaders have been getting these kids to sign up for 8 months now.
we have promised them the best week of their lives.
after our first stop in barstow, the door wont seal.
the driver and my awesome leader, sam, finally fix it after an hour, and then climb through the window.
then the bus proceeds to lose it "turbo" whatever that means.
to me, it means going 4MPH-15MPH on any slight uphill.
our 8 hour ride became 13 quickly.
the air conditioning stopped working while going through the AZ desert.
think sweaty students, crammed in a slow bus.
but hey, we survived.
the students got a standing ovation as thye walked into club.
everyone still had the best week of their lives.
us leaders all still got dunked in the dunk tank, and pied in the face.
messy games were still messy.
sin was still discussed.
students talked to God.
6 of our high schoolers, and a handful of our capernaum friends started a relationship with Jesus.
so really, a bad bus doesn't ruin a week.
i think, that God wouldn't let anything ruin that week.
not my fears of finances coming through, or arguments between students, or misunderstandings of talks, or family backgrounds, or missing health forms.
God protected this week.
God met us in that sweaty bus and kept our spirits high.
God gave us the answers to our students questions.
God sought after those students, and loved them so well.
I feel pretty old theses days, because i think i am still tired from our trip.
but at the same time, I am feeling more encouraged and excited than ever before.

thanks, friends.
for the prayers a lot of you prayed.
you rock.