Monday, November 18, 2013


I think I like the feeling of being stressed,
I find myself looking at my planner and adding "stuff" just to make myself feel more accomplished.
Looking at the thing just stresses me out more, but its kind of like a jolt of adrenaline. 
I look at a "slow month" and feel unsatisfied.
I sound like a crazy person.
Who measures their worth by appointments, and events and stuff.
humans. people. me, mostly.
What is God concerned with?
Not my meeting schedule. Thats for sure.
A wise lady once shared with me the way i should look at the "things" in my life.
She told me if the activity I am doing (work, volunteer, clubs ect) is not directly going to benefit my goals for the future, and also bring joy to my life, then I should drop it.
I actually quit my previous job the day after she shared that with me.
So why do I keep doing everything, in an attempt to spin 10 plates perfectly?
What prize is there for being the most overcommitted 21 year old?
No prize! and the reality is I am no where near wining.
There is a huge list of those crazier than me, I know this because I am surrounded by them in my classes. 
So where do I go from here?
This week my goal is to rest.
Spend time sitting, with Jesus, soaking in his goodness and maybe chatting with him about what he wants me to cut from my crazy planner. I'm sure he has some good ideas. 
Always does!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

N e w Y o r k C i t y

N e w Y o r k
This last week I had the fabulous opportunity to visit NYC. My friend Bri and I helped a professor of ours coordinate this trip, everything from the rooms and flights to itineraries. 
Right now, I am sitting still for the first time in five days, flying over the country. 
That being said it's time for some reflection on what I have learned this weekend. 
1 . It takes a long time do anything. Here in Cali, we want to go to the store we drive a mile and grab our food. In new york, it means walking blocks or taking the subway and only getting enough food that you can carry it by yourself back home.  I would make the assumption Costco isn’t a big hit in new york city,
2.  Less is more.  City folks have mastered the art of living with less, less space, less storage. I complain about my apartment being small when I couldn’t afford a room the size of my closet in NYC.
3.  New Yorkers are very kind people, despite the way they are sometimes portrayed in tv and movies. I cant remember how many people I asked for directions, about 50 likely. And all of them were more than Happy to help a lost girl find her way in the city.
4. Central park is not a park but a city in itself. I could have spent 2 days wandering in the beauty. 
5. There is such thing as grade B restaurants. And people eat at them. I don’t think I'm ready for that venture quite yet. 
6. Art is everywhere and they have a good appreciation for it. There are local artists paintings in stores, buildings, street corners. There are performers on every block and every subway train. They are phenomenal too, and willing to go hungry in order to pursue their passion.
7. The pizza really is as good as they say.
8. It truly is the city that never sleeps. If you are hungry in SD after 9, you have Jack in the box. In New York, dinner is just beginning.
While I'm not sure I could ever make a life for myself out there, I love slow mornings and long runs way to much. New york did find a way into my heart. The excitement of walking down 5th avenue to times square is incomparable. The amount of history in such a small space is unlike any city in north America.  I know one thing for sure, I will be back. xoxo