Thursday, September 5, 2013


Seldom does one think, in the middle of a huge moment, that it will define your life.
Those periods of your life that grow you, shape you and effect the way you look at life often are noticed after the fact. 
I just had one of those moments, well a series of moments.
This summer changed me.
The way I think about prayer, and life and about trust.

Earlier this year I began to shift my prayer life, taking God out of the small, well kept box I placed him and allowed Him to be big, powerful and real in my life.
I came to God with requests, fears and praises, and watched him reveal just how good He truly is. God has provided a dream job in my future, blessed friendships and fun memories,

My job as a front desk agent taught me to stand up for myself, gave me a backbone.
I learned how to not take rude remarks personally, and I learned to have enough confidence to stand up for myself and solve the issue on my own.

I moved into an apartment with just one roommate, my best friend Bri. The idea of a quiet house was a joke that last two years and now peacefulness overflows from those small walls.

I spent a week in Arizona at Lost Canyon with 12 of the most incredible girls. We cried, laughed and grew in countless ways. God taught me so much through those girls. 

I let down some serious walls that I had hid behind for many years. Finally letting myself trust others fully and be vulnerable with how I feel.

I never would have guessed back in May that God would use the most ordinary summer to develope me in such huge ways, but I am thankful that my God is extraordinary enough to use monotony to change my life.