Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Confidence & Peace

This year God has taught me there is a difference between confidence and peace in my decisions. 

I had always searched for peace when making decisions. When I felt at peace I would make that decision. Only then was I confident that God had led me to the decision.  This year God changed me to first be confident in Him and the fact that His plan is always the best for my life. I may not have peace about it, but that doesn't mean it isn't right. 

I was confident God wanted me to quit my job at the front desk, but I was scared and nervous so I delayed the inevitable. God called me to go on staff for YoungLife, but it was out of my comfort zone. The common feeling in both of these changes? Confidence. I knew it was God that had put these things on my heart. Not my own choices, but instead God's. My human fear postponed peace, but God challenged me to follow through with faith. 

Often, the most peaceful decision is easy and you want that to happen. But the harder thing that God is calling you to do may involve taking a leap of faith and trusting him with something huge. And I don't know about you, but I don't feel peace instantly about that. (I wish I did) I feel lots of peace and comfort about staying in bed and drinking coffee, watching Netflix and pinning clothes I cant afford all morning; that doesn't make that the right decision. I am much more confident that even though it is tough some days, God is calling me to more. 

God has shifted my thinking to first search for His sovereign and perfect will: to be confident in my Saviors path for my life. Then to pray for the blessing of peace.  That's right, peace is a blessing, not a right! In both my decisions I have first been challenged and shortly after blessed by a peace that surpasses all understating.