Thursday, January 29, 2015

pancakes & peace

"& the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds.."

this weekend i got a taste of what this well quoted verse actually feels like. 

i was leading a high school winter trip to big bear, and everything that could go wrong in the week leading up to it, did. from canceled sign ups to sick leaders, not enough seats in cars, actually being locked out of the cabin, in 28 degree weather, in the dark. yeah that happened too. 

the whole trip was stretching me, physically, mentally, spiritually. 

after the laundry list of chaos, there was this moment, Sunday morning. 

i had woken up before every one else to start cooking breakfast. i looked a mess, complete with flour on my face and clothes. i was so tired. i was drinking cold coffee from the night before. dirty dishes from dinner were in the sink, and i didn't even have a measuring cup to make pancakes with, so i was guessing. 

i felt in the midst of that moment two things. 
1. i felt like a mom of 11. (please Jesus, i want to be a mom, but not of 11)
2. like i was actually on YL staff, and that it wasn't because i was extra talented, or good, or organized, but it was because God was with me, helping me, and picked me to have this role right now. not because someone else wasn't capable, but because He has stuff to teach me through this season.

in that moment it didn't matter that i was an exhausted mess of a leader, or that the cabin was a disaster, and kids were sleeping way later than i had planned, or that we were out of paper plates and were going to eat pancakes off of napkins and bowls. in that moment i felt at peace. God was with me, and while I had the title of trip leader, it wasn't really me leading it. in the midst of all the little things that went wrong, God was teaching me so much, and my students, He was teaching them too. i had peace that all the problems i had made huge in my head, were just little things, and that the important stuff, was in God's hands. & best of all he Protected each and every student, and all of us made it home!

when we got back on Monday, i was in recovery mode, and a couple of the students asked me: can we go back next weekend? ha. i also learned in that moment students don't need a perfect trip to have tons of fun. 

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