I spent the weekend tucked away in the smallest little corner of San Diego.
Nestled in-between some farm pastures and a dirt road, in a little cluster of cabins that I am beginning to build more memories with.
This weekend was my area leader retreat.
A time to re focus ourselves, plan away the spring semester and worship together.
I left southern San Diego tired, not quite feeling myself.
As I set myself up in my cabin, shared with 10 other girls friday night, my body ached for a good nights rest. I felt God whispering to me, inviting me to instead wake up early and meet him...
Its mornings like these that bring me back to some of the best weeks of my life, serving Jesus on a Houseboat on Lake Shasta. God always seemed so near when I was on the water, and truthfully, I know he always is, but there is something so peace filled and encouraging about meeting God in the morning. I wrote in my journal "I know your mercies are new each morning, so maybe its a bright shiny new mercy awaiting my heart, not yet tainted by the noise of a busy day, refreshing my faith. Yes this is worth it." That day was filled with the most productive planning meeting, coupled with hours of laying in the grass while a sweet ten month old boy napped on my shoulder.
At the end of the day, the whole team hiked up a hill and looked up at the starry night. I think it's impossible for me to look at the stars and not think of Jesus. How he placed them there, knowing how much wonder they would fill us with. It was the perfect way to end the day.
What really gets to me is how God already knew that was what i needed. He knew I needed an early morning one on one, a slow but productive morning, stars and old memories to sooth a stressed out and anxious college senior. I am consistent, in my failing to trust Him, countless unkept promises of daily quiet times, & in taking 3+ years to read the Bible in a year. But my God is consistently meeting me where I'm at, teaching me how to love others, and answering even the prayers I am too scared to pray.
you're right, this isn't a morning picture.