Thursday, December 5, 2013

If you know me then you know...

If you have spent time with me in the year two-thousand-thirteen then you probably know this is my year of prayer. 

I mean every year is, but this year changed the way I pray.
I've learned how hilarious God is, and have decided to start sharing the funny and also the serious ways God shows up in my life.  This is not me saying that God has answered every prayer I pray with YES.  I have become accustomed  to lots of no's and even more of "this is better", however in general I have found that God loves to make me laugh, and surprise me with little blessings. He also has showed me that he truly is in control of everything. I have a strong feeling he definitely has been doing this for all of eternity but I just started noticing!  Maybe these silly anectdotes will encourage you to pray for all those little things you may have thought didn't matter, maybe instead you will begin to think I'm a crazy person. Either way I'm excited about this, and God, so I can't help but share.

1. God is in control of parking meters:
This week I was on my way to a grown up networking party. I didn't look at the address before showing up at a hotel, and miraculously I ended up at the right hotel, but at the wrong tower, typical San Diego hotel, two towers. So I leave the first parking lot, to go to the next, annoyed because now I'm going to have to pay twice for parking.  So I am at the pay machine and I pray that I don't have to pay for parking, the meter reads zero and the gate goes up. Well thanks God, that was kinda awesome.