I started my new job as a front desk agent at a hotel this month.
Boy is it hard.
Next time you check into a hotel, have a little grace on those poor agents, because there is so many little details I had no idea about! But the technical stuff aside.
I absolutely love it.
I absolutely love it.
I love meeting new friends every five minutes.
I love remembering a guests name and surprising them with a specific question about their day or an activity they did.
I love getting to upgrade a happy couple, a birthday girl.
But what I love most is the impact a smile and a listening ear can have on someones day.
Dont get me wrong, its not all puppies and rainbows over here.
every. single. complaint. from any guest, any room, any time.
They ALL come to the front desk.
Its a hard eight hours of listening to people complain.
I am 100% positive I couldn't do this Job without Jesus.
What encourages me through the long shifts and the endless complaints is knowing this.
Each person I interact with is an opportunity to love them, to show them compassion, listen to them and act with a positive attitidude that only can come from knowing Jesus.
I know that God doesnt need me to do great work, and its humbling to be reminded how little I am needed.
But My prayer today is that he might choose too use me.